For many decades we have been able to support and impress our customers with our enthusiasm, competence and total reliability for varied customized projects, from maintenance and repair works at production facilities through to new erection works for industrial plants with complicated technically-related safety situations. We do not only offer consultancy, planning and completion for individual contracts but rather a comprehensive spectrum of services within framework contracts. With a tried and tested logistics management for material coordination and a pool of qualified employees, who can also be available at short notice, we can react rapidly and work to deadlines as well as being flexible for overhaul works, pit stops and standstill situations. We support you in every way possible, from planning to completion of your project. A personal interview would give us the chance to convince you of our proficiency in the field of industrial scaffolding.


Global Access, Competitive Pricing, Expert Shipping, and Quality Control.
Isotermica provides a complete materials management service, including materials take-offs and specifications, research and purchasing, quality control audits and inspections, packing and shipping, detailed documentation and on site supervision for receiving, inspection and storage.
Experienced personnel closely supervise every step of the shipping process and conduct quality control inspections. At every stage we provide detailed computer-generated documentation, including multi-lingual packing lists, inspection checklists, bill of lading, quality and insurance certificates, certificates of origin, and invoices. Our staff also takes care of expediting freight forwarding and customs clearance and can arrange local transportation to the job site.